Top Five Goals for 2014, Broadly Stated.

Dear readers,

Happy New Year!

Time to establish another 5 goals for 2014.  I've decided at a Top 5 goals post.  I did it last year and I felt it was doable.  In previous years, I've committed to too many goals and I felt the pressure didn't allow me enough flexibility for creativity (at least in my sewing goals).    I left these goals somewhat broad so I could have some creative space to pick my projects.

1.  Stash Busting.  yep.  more stash busting.  I've got some fabulous fabrics -- I merely need to sew/knit them.  I have some sewing projects begging for my needle with their stash materials already!
2.  Sew at least one or more Wearing History pattern.   I love these patterns and have two in the queue to make!  If you haven't check out her page Wearing History Blog or her pattern page Wearing History Patterns -- they are fantastic!

3.  Expand my knitting skills.   Knitting is so satisfying.  I love I can take it with me on travel.  I want to keep expanding my skills.   But, sweaters (jumpers) and socks still elude me.
4.  Expand my technical tailoring skills.   In my work life, I definitely wear a lot of tailored clothing, so I would love to wear some of my own truly well-tailored bespoke wear.

5.  DIY/Home Dec projects.  I can't believe I'm posting this because as all my readers know -- I dislike and procrastinate any home dec project.  But, with my skills and machines, I really do need to get on it -- for a variety of reasons: to save money, make exactly what is desired, and to enhance our living space.   (Added 1/2/2013 -- I also want to work on bag-making and cycling accessories).

6.  Bonus Goal:  At least four posts a month on this blog (at least one a week).  Sometimes my work takes over my life -- especially with the traveling I do, not to mention balancing the travel with our home life.  So, I am going to work on the quantity and quality of blog posts.   I blog merely as a way to document my interests in the fabric arts, plus I love to write.  So, I think this goal is doable!  

What are your top five goals?



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