Arrow Sewing and Serging Cabinet 401 Initial Setup (the "Betty")

Dear readers,

This summer I picked up a rather inexpensive (200.00) Arrow Sewing Cabinet off Craigslist, called the Betty # 401 in white.   It was a particle board table -- I had never used one and doubted its utility.  In the picture below you will see the final table setup:
Yes, of course it came with a flaw. . . which the seller did not disclose (I'm unsure if she knew) -- but the stand supported by a hydraulic/pulley type of lift would not adjust flush with the sewing machine.  The fixtures that adjust the hinge were stripped.  I called Arrow and they were fantastic.  I received the new one in days for less that $5.   I also ordered a custom insert with my machine (the table came with some universal inserts).  

But, it took me three months to actually get around to installing the new attachment.  (I had to take the hydraulic lift off the table, ugg.).  I finally did it in less than a half hour on Saturday night.  It does make sewing a bit more intuitive.  And, I can now see the value of purchasing a nicer one once I have the space.   I will do a more intensive review once I've had a chance to use it set up like it's supposed to be (I've had my machine sitting on top for awhile).  

Also, below -- J. gave me the ceramic bowl (red and white with polka dots) on the right for Christmas (among other knitterly things) from our LYS.  I love it.  I also received the holder/spinner for yarn on the left (an ETSY purchase).  I finally got a yarn winder as well (not shown). 
Any recommendations for sewing tables out there?  I'd love to hear about what you use.  I've investigated sewing rooms on pinterest and on various blogs.

Update 1/26/14 -- I may have to make an adjustment -- I just realized that my sewing table doesn't accommodate the knee lift lever on my Bernina!  The Horror!  Where's my saw?




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