Happy Veteran's Day - Patriotic Patterns

Dear readers,

Again, I'm so behind on my posts.  Nevertheless I wanted to thank all of our veterans on Veteran's Day:
Also,  I am behind in my stash sewing -- I"m dying to make these patriotic patterns:

and finally --
Also, Burda just came out today with some 1940s female (heck yes!)  aviator patterns -- HERE.
I am planning to finally post on the summer ASG conference I attended, my sewing gifts I received on my birthday -- I'm close to finishing my green wool cape, and I have finished three knitted caps, and am working on leg warmers.  I know, so behind.

I'm dying to catch up now if I can just cut down on my time at work and other activities!  That said I have quite a bit of time off I must take in December!




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