Laptop Sleeve! My quick craft fix for the day.
Dear readers,
My new 11-inch Macbook Air, bought on a whim when I needed a laptop to take to an evening class. We are a Macintosh house -- so everything is Apple so everything works together.
Now, one of the mandatory accessories for any laptop computer that belongs to someone who travels -- is a travel case to protect it. Apple provides a plethora of accessories -- even Coach and Michael Kors bags should you need it for your Macbook Air. But, I thought -- I'd rather have my own DIY Tutorial Case. Let's break out the internet.
I used this tutorial-- the Laptop Sleeve Tutorial Link.. Excellent. By the way, the 11inch Macbook Air measures 14 1/4"Long by 15 3/4" Wide with 1/2" SA (Seam Allowances).
The outer fabric is a canvas type of fabric (which I sprayed with Scotch Guard, available at your local grocery store).
The inner fabric is minky.
The multi-color zipper is Ghee's - Ghee's Link. It was a 28 inch zipper -- and I saved the other multicolor portion. Ghees sells the actual pull which can fit any other piece too. So convenient that I can use the portion I didn't use for this project.
Also, did you know the mark of a good zipper is one when you pull the zipper tape apart and the pull doesn't move or slip down? Well, it turns out that the more expensive zippers have locks in the zipper pull. That's why in the 80's the zippers in our pants wouldn't zip all the way up and we were all constantly readjusting our zippers -- Cheap zipper pulls!! Who knew? The things you learn at the ASG Sewing Conference.
I was a little sloppy in the execution, but I can live with it. It's a perfect fit for the Macbook Air! And, this quick and easy project -- I needed a quick craft success fix.
Now, onto another cover for my Kindle.
My new 11-inch Macbook Air, bought on a whim when I needed a laptop to take to an evening class. We are a Macintosh house -- so everything is Apple so everything works together.
Now, one of the mandatory accessories for any laptop computer that belongs to someone who travels -- is a travel case to protect it. Apple provides a plethora of accessories -- even Coach and Michael Kors bags should you need it for your Macbook Air. But, I thought -- I'd rather have my own DIY Tutorial Case. Let's break out the internet.
I used this tutorial-- the Laptop Sleeve Tutorial Link.. Excellent. By the way, the 11inch Macbook Air measures 14 1/4"Long by 15 3/4" Wide with 1/2" SA (Seam Allowances).
The outer fabric is a canvas type of fabric (which I sprayed with Scotch Guard, available at your local grocery store).
The inner fabric is minky.
The multi-color zipper is Ghee's - Ghee's Link. It was a 28 inch zipper -- and I saved the other multicolor portion. Ghees sells the actual pull which can fit any other piece too. So convenient that I can use the portion I didn't use for this project.
Also, did you know the mark of a good zipper is one when you pull the zipper tape apart and the pull doesn't move or slip down? Well, it turns out that the more expensive zippers have locks in the zipper pull. That's why in the 80's the zippers in our pants wouldn't zip all the way up and we were all constantly readjusting our zippers -- Cheap zipper pulls!! Who knew? The things you learn at the ASG Sewing Conference.
I was a little sloppy in the execution, but I can live with it. It's a perfect fit for the Macbook Air! And, this quick and easy project -- I needed a quick craft success fix.
Now, onto another cover for my Kindle.
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