I am taking the Seamless Pledge

Dear readers,

I decided to take the Seamless Pledge for the next six months (until the July 4th weekend).  I'll reconsider over the 4th.  I don't really buy vintage/thrift (I'd like to  - no patience - and I live in thrift heaven "vintage Ventura").  So, I guess I'm gonna be sewing and knitting!
Here is the pledge:


  1. No buying new clothes for the duration of your pledge. By new, I mean any new mass-manufactured clothes.
  2. You can buy second-hand manufactured clothes – so be prepared to get to know your local charity shops awfully well.
  3. Vintage clothing is a-ok!
  4. Anything you’ve made by hand is definitely allowed. Get your sewing machines and your kntting needles out, because handmade is definitely in!
  5. Get involved! Join in on the Flickr group and like our Facebook page. Elena will be looking to feature pledgers on the blog in the future. Elena would love to see your second-hand finds, refashions and hand-made creations!

I don't "need" anymore new clothes - and I have a wonderful stash and access to one of the best fabric stores in the United States less than an hour from my house.  Some people are taking a pledge not to buy anything new - I'm not taking that pledge but I like the idea - I just don't think I'm that disciplined*(yet).  And, really I had to wait until my sewing skills were up to par to do this.

By the way, I made a trip to Mood (the new location on La Brea avenue) yesterday and it's fantastic - three times as large at least and a LOT MORE FABRIC!  Wow!  I will do a separate post on this!

Hope your New Years is shaping up nicely.


P.S.  I'm flying to DC on Monday and took my flu shot (apparently every on the East Coast is getting it).   I highly recommend it - I got my at Walgreens (and my insurance paid 100 percent - even without it is a small charge).  The flu shot is amazing close to the actual flu strain this year.  And, I'm completely paranoid about getting sick (I got one of the early cases of the Swine Flu when I visited Japan) when I travel.  


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