Simplicity 1806 View E Top with Japanese Fabric
Dear Readers,
I finally finished, after two weeks, Simplicity 1806, View E with sleeves. Although I must remark - I think you could potentially make this top in a day or less. I spent a few hours total on the production. . . but did do some pattern drafting - which took me longer.
Well, I am a bit down on patterns. First, I have a bodice sloper that fits perfectly - so any commercial pattern I use - I must adjust - and I certainly tried, with mixed results. It is, I think, more difficult to re-draft an existing pattern to conform to my sloper (or basic block) than to draft from scratch. That said, I did get a palatable result. Not perfect.
The pattern:
Here was my inspiration. My mother made me wear the blouse in the second grade - and I resisted (as usual)- Here's to my mother for her day - a top reproduced in colors, according to her, "that photograph well." I toyed with making a lace collar.
It's still a smidge too large in the bodice. I recommend checking the final measurements (which I did not do because after I redrafted I simply continued on). Below, tools I used in re-drafting the pattern. . .
I did not use the pattern directions - I simply continued under my own direction after step 3. I drafted my own collar too - another smaller Peter Pan (yes, readers, seemingly, this is my "go-to" collar) - see below. I previously made a blouse with the collar suggested in View E and the fabric did not lay correctly once attached.
I did, however, use the strange "Flange" sleeve pattern suggested by Simplicity - which is a stretched oval, much like a football, folded in half - and each half forms the sleeve to be sewn into armhole.
I also attached the facing using a sloppy fell stitch to the seams. . .If anyone has any suggestions - I'm happy to take them.
Thank goodness for my serger.
I also bought a new pattern making book, used - with great ideas to transform the sloper. It is shown on the left - I used all three books below re-drafting and sewing this pattern . .
I've spread out some fabrics I wish to sew this spring and summer. . . .
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there!
Update: 6/30/2012: I wear this blouse almost every week - it's perfect! I hardly remember the trials and tribulations in making this garment!
I finally finished, after two weeks, Simplicity 1806, View E with sleeves. Although I must remark - I think you could potentially make this top in a day or less. I spent a few hours total on the production. . . but did do some pattern drafting - which took me longer.
Side note: It's still a bit chilly here in Ventura, the heater was on this morning, and certainly not white linen pants weather (or style, for that matter) but it does show a great contrast with the top. I plan to wear this blouse with jeans (and probably only, jeans). . .
Well, I am a bit down on patterns. First, I have a bodice sloper that fits perfectly - so any commercial pattern I use - I must adjust - and I certainly tried, with mixed results. It is, I think, more difficult to re-draft an existing pattern to conform to my sloper (or basic block) than to draft from scratch. That said, I did get a palatable result. Not perfect.
The pattern:
Here was my inspiration. My mother made me wear the blouse in the second grade - and I resisted (as usual)- Here's to my mother for her day - a top reproduced in colors, according to her, "that photograph well." I toyed with making a lace collar.
It's still a smidge too large in the bodice. I recommend checking the final measurements (which I did not do because after I redrafted I simply continued on). Below, tools I used in re-drafting the pattern. . .
The final garment below:
The fabric I am using is a Japanese fabric that is a medium weight linen.I did, however, use the strange "Flange" sleeve pattern suggested by Simplicity - which is a stretched oval, much like a football, folded in half - and each half forms the sleeve to be sewn into armhole.
I also attached the facing using a sloppy fell stitch to the seams. . .If anyone has any suggestions - I'm happy to take them.
Thank goodness for my serger.
I also bought a new pattern making book, used - with great ideas to transform the sloper. It is shown on the left - I used all three books below re-drafting and sewing this pattern . .
I've spread out some fabrics I wish to sew this spring and summer. . . .
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there!
Update: 6/30/2012: I wear this blouse almost every week - it's perfect! I hardly remember the trials and tribulations in making this garment!
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