Tutorial: DIY Clip-on Doggie Pickup Bag Holder/Carrier


Two months ago I lost our $20.00 doggie pickup bag holder - one which you could latch onto a belt loop for a walk.  After contemplating buying another - I simply decided to make one!  Here is a tutorial I designed after making about five-seven samples.  I think you will like it and the materials should just cost a few dollars, if that!  This project can be completely made from reused materials and dog leashes if you wish.
Materials  needed:  9" by 5" fabric
                                  cord or ribbon (4" to 6" total)
                                 1/4" elastic (about 10 inches total

1.  Cut out a fabric piece 9 inches by 5 inches.  My bag I lost was 9" by 6".  This is a matter of personal preference.
For this project, I used weather-proof Gore-tex bought from Seattle Fabrics out of my stash because I've been making some outdoor adventure items.  However, one could use canvas, a heavy weight fabric or simply some rip-stop, or supplex.   To be honest any material is a candidate. 

Above is a picture of the Gore-tex material above - note it doesn't fray but is a bit hard to get the needle through.  I finished my edges using a rotary cutter.  By the way, if you wish to attach reflective tape you need to sew that on before you head to the next step.  The doggie bag I lost had it - I didn't feel that it was a necessity for this project.
 Ripstop, pictured above would be fine.

If you wish to hem the top and bottom edges of the doggies bag - this would be the time.  You want to finish (or "hem") the long length of the fabric (the 9" part) first and merely edge finish or serge the shorter (5" part) if this is your preference.

For the top hems,  I recommend serging (perhaps a rolled edge) OR I did a 1/8" hem on my previous project by folding the material and sewing it.  I believe a 1/4" hem should work too!  Again, for this project I did not hem it as this material does not fray.

2. The tab attachment.
Cut a small strip (I did three inches -  a bit too long) of ribbon, I used some grosgrain ribbon, but as the picture shows below - you could use cording, or the end of an old dog leash attachment, ribbon attached to a D ring. . .a host of fun choices.  Better if you have a cuppa while you're choosing:)
I placed my ribbon 1/2 inch from the end of the long length of the fabric (well, the pictures shows 1" here) and I used a pin to secure.   
Then using matching thread (I used red here for visibility); a universal needle, and a straight stitch -  stitch across the top of the tab ribbon (or cord) 1/4" from top edge of fabric.  See below.
 Because I made my tab too long - I put anther row of stitching 1/4 inch down from the last stitching.
3.  Now cut your elastic.  This is a matter of preference because my project is 9"; I used a slim 1/4" black elastic.  Any elastic will suffice.  I cut the elastic for the top of the long length (9 inches if you remember) - to be 4 1/2" and for the bottom long length - 4 1/4".  This allows you to push the doggie bags in a slighter larger hole at the top and slimmer hole at the bottom. 
 I pinned the middle and stitched each end 1/4" from the edge.
 I used a zig zap stitch (standard) and the smaller piece of elastic took quite a bit of pulling while I sewed.
 Note the zig zag.
 I stopped the thread about 1/4 to 1/2" from the edge.

4.  Finishing and the fun part.
Note:  If you have not finished the edges on the short 5" edge and you wish to do so - please do - I did not as this material doesn't fray.  

Put the short sides (the 5") sides of the fabric right sides together and stitch 3/8" from the edge.  
5.  You're done!  Turn inside out and attach a carabiner or any other clip and out you go with the doggies.


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