My little sewing space . . .

Dear readers,

I try to blame my lack of sewing mojo on excessive travel; but really, I had trouble setting up my sewing machines each time to sew.  So, with a little re-arranging - voila!  A dedicated sewing space!

Below:  My stash (I keep it scaled down since I live within an hour to LA's fashion district (unlike my quilting days) and a selection of patterns.  I also organize the stash by: knits, bottom shelf, wovens, second shelf, home decor (canvas, heavy linen), third shelf, and sport material, top shelf.
We live in a small house overlooking the ocean on a hillside - so space is at a premium in our world.  It may be small but I love this little area.

Below: On the window-sill, I see I need an artbin for my serger spools.  I use an old stainless steel table as my cutting table (with the wheels off).

As you can see by the oak tag paper - I'm in the middle of a continued pattern-making class at Sew LA, consisting of making a sloper for the bodice, and learning more about fit and the art of making a pattern.
A small reading area:
A larger perspective below
My main working area (I didn't think this would work but it's fine!)
During the week, I don't keep the iron out. . .
I am enjoying my pattern-making class - it's nice to be able to understand how and why adjustments are made.  My normal method is to break out the FFRP and use those adjustments to my pattern pieces.

Very predictably, I also learned that I wear the wrong bra size (THAT is such a cliche').  With all the bodice measurements - it was very nice to have a third party measure me (other than J. (do you trust your partner to measure you accurately?)).  Well, he had good intentions; he's very helpful marking hems and finding buttons.  Did I mention that he wouldn't mind a full wardrobe made by me?  Something to think about.

Next up:  two book reviews - one new - one a bit older (I mean, vintage).


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