Stylish Blogger Award (and what I've been up to!)

Dear Readers,

Why haven't I posted?  Well, I've gotten a promotion and we're down one person.  As a result, I have been traveling a heck of a lot more (for example, I was in Florida and DC the last two and a half weeks!).  That, and the fact that I don't have a sewing room permanently set up has slowed my progress considerably!  I do have two projects cut out and waiting to come together. . . (I'll show on my next post)! BTW, I actually wrote this post before my recent travels and am JUST now posting it (took some time for the links below).

I do become free from teaching and traveling this summer - so hopefully, I can spend the summer sewing, sewing, and sewing, among other relaxing activities. 

At the beginning of the year, the wonderful Sue from nominated me for the stylish blogger award.  She's a fantastic home seamstress (who's quite the producer of beautiful and funky items), and a great singer and rocker.  The conditions of this award are:

1)Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2)Share 7 things about yourself
3)Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers.
4)Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

I am just now finally getting around to it - here we go:

(1) I've picked up sewing as a hobby and I can see continuing it for life - I'm thrilled with my choice!  I lean toward sports  - who knew that I would fall in love with sewing.  I did not sew as a child or teen.  I did some quilting and rather easy (but unfitted) garment sewing in the mid-nineties (pre-internet).

(2)  I've always wanted to learn guitar (but have never had the time to take "lessons.")  I live with a musician, have easy access to lessons, yet, have never taken them - talk about slacking.

(3)  I am a fourth generation Floridian living in the Los Angeles area (and I do have some really wonderful Florida cracker cousins (who I hope never read this entry!) that live in inland Florida).  I love the area I live in - so much creativity, wonderful weather and geography and plenty of adventures to be had.

(4)  I dislike immensely when people try to categorize everyone in a box.  Two weeks ago, my mother's gardener (my age) approaches me and says, "I hear you a career woman."  And, I am thinking, "really, you had to say that, really?"  I am not a "career woman."  I am merely a woman who has a career.   Thank you.

(5)  I am petrified of rattlesnakes (yes, I live in the west). I have had encounters.  I'll leave it at that.  Seriously, petrified.    Sharks, no problems.  Spiders, don't love um but ok.  Snakes, no way, I am out.

(6)  I wish I was born in this generation with the internet.  I would have loved the access to information.  I know many vintage bloggers feel they wish they could have been born in the 40s, 50s, etc.  Not me.  Right now would be fine with me!

(7)  I was one of the first children bussed an hour across town in Orlando for desegregation.  I went to an all-minority school, in a lower economic neighborhood - with very good results.  I think today many parents wouldn't send their children an hour on the bus to support desegregation, despite how socially responsible they are.

10 recently discovered great bloggers (I do list SOME of my favorite bloggers, although perhaps not *recently* discovered), in no particular order:

(1)  Eugenia (really I am just waiting for her to do a post about the Royal wedding, since she lives "across the pond.") from Eugenia's (fabulous) world of sewing.
(2)  Sister from Living La Vida Loca.
(3)  Katie from Kadididdlehopper.
(4) Lindsay from Lindsay T sews.
(5) Amanda from Amanda's Adventures in Sewing.
(6) Christina from Assorted Notions. (Welcome Back!!)
(7) Erika B from DIY Style.
(8)  Patty from The Snug Bug.
(9) Peter from Male Pattern Boldness.
(10) Dawn from Two on, Two off.
(11) Kay from The Sewing Lawyer.
and finally, the missing in action mistress of the sarcastic skeptic:
(12) Elaine, from The Selfish Seamstress.

Have a great Saturday!

Glad to be finally back blogging, Pam


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