Sewing Book Reviews. . .

Dear readers, I'm in the middle of sewing a skirt, a top, and a pair of shorts for J. In addition, I've made (oh, horror!) a myriad of home decorative projects!! Yes! I won't torment you with those - but I did make them from my Japanese fabric scraps. I've bought the following books over the past six months, along with a short summary of my findings: 1. Patternmaking for Fashion Design (1st ed.). Recommendation to buy: Yes, if you have already taken a patternmaking or sloper (basic block) class. This learned book by college professor Helen Joseph Armstrong is excellent, but I do warn you it is a textbook; therefore in my opinion it is best utilized for someone with patternmaking experience or at least has a basic block to start with. I have fairly comprehensive reading skills, and simply would not have understood it without instruction. I bought the first edition, on the advice of our instructor at the time. It tells you how to...