
Showing posts from July, 2011

Sewing Book Reviews. . .

Dear readers, I'm in the middle of sewing a skirt, a top, and a pair of shorts for J.  In addition, I've made (oh, horror!) a myriad of home decorative projects!! Yes!  I won't torment you with those - but I did make them from my Japanese fabric scraps.  I've bought the following books over the past six months, along with a short summary of my findings: 1.  Patternmaking for Fashion Design (1st ed.). Recommendation to buy:  Yes, if you have already taken a patternmaking or sloper (basic block) class.   This learned book by college professor Helen Joseph Armstrong is excellent, but I do warn you it is a textbook; therefore in my opinion it is best utilized for someone with patternmaking experience or at least has a basic block to start with.  I have fairly comprehensive reading skills, and simply would not have understood it without instruction.  I bought the first edition, on the advice of our instructor at the time.  It tells you how to...

Patternmaking class - Finished!

Dear Readers, I've been off in Newport, RI for a week teaching and returned to finish my bodice block in the advanced patternmaking class I've been taking. . . Here are the results of my efforts: And, here are the skirt blocks I made last November - hope they still fit  -  I've gained a few pounds:)  Oh, the piano is my pattern "staging area." I also use J's piano to stage my patterns that are cut out (heehee!). For the bodice, I have a different right side and left side because my left shoulder is taller than my right (I attribute this to an old skateboarding rotator cuff injury). So, double the fun.  One of the most interesting portions of this class was learning my measurements - and quite frankly, they were quite different than I thought.  No wonder RTW never fits perfectly in the bodice area. I am thrilled to have a bodice block that fits well!  If you are interested Shearie from  Sew La  masterfully teaches these classes.   They are ver...