
Showing posts from December, 2010

Tent in Living Room, also known as Why I have NOT finished my Second Vogue Dress!

I want to finish before the New Year!!   But, you can see I've been up to no good with the time off :) Dare I mention that I've been mesmorized by the snow on the mountains surrounding Los Angeles  -  I seemingly have contracted what is known in these parts as "snow fever."  Must go . . . see snow. . . 

Intermediate? Maybe, but Burda Newbie

Hello Readers, I guess everyone is preparing for the New Year - I've still had trouble finding time for sewing.  I changed my rating on Pattern Review to Intermediate, one step up from Advanced Beginner.    I'm now doubting that.  I've joined the Burda Pants Sew-Along from  The Cupcake Goddess .  However, it has been an uphill slope: First, what have I signed up for? Second, I finally used highlighter to mark the pieces, but realized there is a pattern piece number 2 black, number 2 yellow, number 2 green. Oops.  Mine are pieces 1 - 5 black.  I then used a black sharpie (not the recommended method to show the correct pieces).  This is a tall pattern, hurray!  Perfect, seemingly, for me.  And I plan to trace it out  -  any tips from anyone? I've never cut out a Burda.  According to the sew along - we're using 1" seam allowances generally and 5/8 SA for the crotch seam. . .  again, any tips are appreciated. . ....

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all!  I am thankful for many blessings in my life, for all the talented home sewers blogging and for being able to write this blog. I haven't been posting as I've been so busy (both traveling for work and at home) -  but I am gearing back up in January - I'm taking Kenneth King's Clone Your Favorite Garment class on Pattern Review (starting January 10) and I am doing a Burda Pants Sew-Along from  The Cupcake Goddess . By the way, I did buy a ham and sew roll from  The Cupcake Goddess  and they are so much fun - she actually wrapped them in old patterns for mailing.  Adorable (and the smell of newly cut sawdust is to die for). By the way, I have to give a shout out to the productive sewing blogger - Katie's Blog .  Her blog provides me with countless tips.  Check out her blog - I highly recommend it. A few months ago I found what I thought was a Janome-sponsored blog that gave all kinds of tips (for example, home-sewn flowers for ...