Naked Machines Finally Covered!
Dear Readers, Despite the shocking title, I haven't finished my second version of my dress - I was having trouble making choices. Before I get to that - this is what I've been up to this Holiday. Before: Nude machines - After: Fully, and fashionable dressed (covered) machines - I used Simplicity 2679 (purchased for $1.00) at Joann's Fabric. I also measured the machines (the Singer Featherweight and the Serger) and tailored the patterns slightly. The Janome (with the vespa fabric) sewing machine cover was one of my first projects 14 months ago. In all three projects, I used cording instead of binding to bind. Wow! The cording (or piping) foot on my serger was fantastic. I love feet - I'm going to do a separate post on this. I also have fallen in love with the serger - I love it and am glad I own it. I never thought I would own a serger. I bought the two new fabrics above - they are Japan...